Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions we have received from customers. If you need more detailed information, check out the links at the bottom of the page.
Where do your products come from?
Clothing in our store are manufactures and produced by suppliers in China. They are shipped from locations in China and the USA.
Are your products compliant with USA and Canada?
All products have the proper labeling with fabric content and care instruction labels.Β 
Have you seen samples of your product?Β 
Yes. We occasionally order our own product to ensure the quality and service is being met by out suppliers. Some online stores transfer product to their site and sell it without ever seeing it. We only deal with suppliers that have good product and good customer service so you have a great shopping experience.Β Β 
Will there be any unknown charges when i receive my item?
There is no extra cost to receive you item. If you do have an issue, contact us and we will do our best to correct the issue.
Where is your office located?
We are located in Saskatchewan Canada. The licensed company that owns First Impressions is Cheyenne Marketing Group.